
GE’s Health-Imagination Studies Japan’s Aging Population 

弁理士 佐成 重範 Web検索 SANARI PATENT
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先ずはGE Reportsの「Healthymagination studies Japan’s aging population」の内容(SANARI PATENT要約)を摘記する。なお、「Healthymagination」はGEの造語で、health+imaginationである。
1. Japan currently facing a fast-growing demographic challenge: It’s one of the world’s most rapidly aging countries and also has a low birth rate.
2. This situation creates problems both in healthcare for the aged, and in sustaining economic growth despite a shrinking population.
3. However, there are opportunities to turn the negatives into significant opportunities. It’s why the government of Japan has identified healthcare as a driver of future economic growth and positioned it as a pillar of its new growth strategy.
4. It’s also why GE commissioned The Economic Intelligence Unit, which is the business information arm of The Economist Group, publisher of The Economic Magazine, to study the problem. Their just-issued report, From Silver to Gold: The Implications of Japan’s Aging Population, was one of the key themes at GE Heakthymagination Day 2010, which was held in Tokyo to mark the first anniversary of GE’s new business strategy.
このconferenceの成果について、GEは次のようにThe Wall Street Journalの記事を引用している。
(コメントは sanaripat@gmail.com にご送信ください) 


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