
Since 1994, the 2010 APEC economies have reduced their Tariffs Significantly

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(6) (承前11-16 C Site)From 1994 to 2009, APEC’s trade in goods with the world increased at an annualized rate of 7.1%, reaching US$11.4 trillion in 2009. The nominal value of trade in commercial services of the APEC region also increased at an annual rate of about 7%, reaching a total of US$2.4 trillion in 2009.
(7) Inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the APEC region have increased by 13.0% per year since 1994 and outflows have grown by 12.7% annually.
(8) In setting the Bogor Goals, APEC countries resolved to go further tan WTO Uruguay Round commitments, reflecting their shared belief that open regionalism was the key to long-term growth. Since 1994, the 2010 economies have reduced their tariffs significantly with the simple average of 10.4%. In 2008, 50% of imports by the 2010 economies entered duty free. While the multilateral trading system remains the key priority for APEC economies and the conclusion of the Doha Development Agenda negotiation round will provide the best opportunity for comprehensive liberalization, we note the increasing impact of regional and bilateral free trade agreements (RTAs/FTAs) in reducing barriers in the region. Moreover, we recognize the great contribution of APEC economies’ concerted efforts taken to unilaterally reduce tariffs and other barriers.
(コメントは sanaripat@gmail.com にご送信ください)


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