Areas for APEC’s Further Work include Intellectual Property Rights
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(12)(承前11-17 C Site)The significant progress made by the 2010 economies does not mean their work is complete---more work remains to be done. For APEC, the great value of the Bogor Goals came from establishing an ambitious target that encouraged continuous individual and collective efforts to liberalize and facilitate trade and investment.
(13) The assessment of the 2010 economies’ progress toward achievement of the Bogor Goals has not only shown that progress has been significant, but it has also highlighted the areas where barriers to trade and investment remain and accordingly, where more concerted progress can be made by APEC.
(13) Progress in lowering and eliminating tariffs has not been uniform across sectors. Tariffs on clothing, agricultural products, and textiles remain higher than the overall average tariff across the APEC economies. As for services, restrictions remain in some sectors, including, but not limited to, financial services, telecommunications services, transportation services, and audiovisual services.(SANARI PATENT考察: 日本の場合、PTTにおける農産品問題、一方、Open-Skyの最近の進展が想起される)。
(14) Also, the movement of business people is the least liberalized among the four modes of services supply. Almost all 2010 economies still maintain, to varying degrees, sectoral investment restrictions in he form of prohibitions or capital ceilings in certain sectors, and some economies continue to apply a general screening system for FDI. Given the significant impact of non-tariff measures on trade and investment flows, it is evident that further progress will need tobe made I this area. Therefore, areas for further work will
Include standards and conformance, customs procedures, intellectual property rights, and government procurement, along with other issues. APEC will also further address “behind-the-border” issues by facilitating structural reform. (SANARI PATENT注:「behind-the-border」は、「国に出の」と仮訳されている。)
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