
Wall Street Journal Reports on Google-China Problem

 Wall Street Journal紙の「中国におけるグーグル」問題の現段階解決
弁理士 佐成 重範 Web検索 SANARI PATENT
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(5)(承前2010-07-22記事)(Wall Street Journal(2010-07-11)のGoogle問題解説要約)Google announced the renewal Friday (2010-07-11), and officials confirmed it over the weekend.
(6) Google in March (2010) began redirecting queries from mainland China to a version of its search engine it doesn’t hosted in Hong Kong. But Google stopped the automatic redirect two weeks ago after the Chinese government indicated it wouldn’t renew its license if the company continued the practice.
(7) Google.cn now requires visitors to click on an image to be redirected to the Hong Kong site for web searches. In recent days, the company has made
Several services accessible from google.cn itself, including its music search feature, product search and translation services.
 中国のインターネットにおける検索エンジンのシェアについて、中国国産の「百度」が現在、最有力であることは、周知の通りであるが、シェアの問題について、Wall Street Journalは次のように観察している(SANARI PATENT要約)。
Google has lost some of its search share in China to rivals such as Baidu.com.Inc. (百度) during its standoff with Beijing, though other services including its Gmail email service continue tobe popular, analysts said.
 Googleの公式ブログには、GoogleのCorporate Development and Chief Legal OfficerであるDavid Drummond氏の下記投稿が見られるが、Googleの真意を良く表していると思う。
「As a company we aspire to make information available to users everywhere, including China. It’s why we have worked so hard to keep Google.cn alive, as well as to continue our research and development work in China. This new approach is consistent with our commitment not to self sensor abd, we believe, with local law. We are therefore hopeful that our license will be renewed on this basis so we can continue to offer our Chinese users services via Google.cn.
(コメントは sanaripat@gmail.com にご送信ください)


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